The journey of many miles and many steps thanks to many people
This thesis would not have been even remotely possible without the incredible help of the following supporters:
- On a personal level: To my sister Paula for being a tireless believer and my family back home in Canada. To Mum, because I hope this work would have made you proud – I miss you. To friends for being on the journey, and Elizabeth and Jack for getting me started in the first place.
- On a professional level: To the researchers, mental health professionals and activists who fight for justice. To my cohort and classmates across the school for two whole years of memories. To my reviewers Isa, Cameron and Christopher for their perspectives and dedication. To the faculty for their passion for their craft, and in particular Patricia, John, Eduardo, Tony, Fiona and so many others for those sacred moments of inspiration. To Lara for advising and believing there was a story to be told – and for the phrase ‘small is beautiful’. To Clive, for every interaction has been a memorable and delightful moment. To folks whom I’ve spoken to (including at the Service Design Conference where I presented my work), who gave me support and encouragement, you keep me interested in explorations, and that’s a Good Thing.
- To so many others for proving change is possible even in the darkest of moments, to see the ‘crack in everything [as] where the light gets in’. And finally to my grandmother Mavis (‘Nana’) for persevering despite struggle, and my interviewees for sharing their experiences with mental illness. Your perseverance shows me how to live the maxim ‘aut viam inveniam aut faciam’ (‘I shall find a way or make one’).
Additional content credits
- ‘Palermo’ theme courtesy CSS Igniter – a theme built for hotels, but useful for those who love hotels too!
- WordPress, because there isn’t a Web without it. This is probably about my 10th site created with it, and I can’t imagine sharing my findings of anything without it
- Main background image of stars and two people courtesy Pexel
- Additional icons and photography used in presentation decks and on this site courtesy Noun Project; information available upon request